We have now expanded our agencies to include Ag West Crop Insurance Services and Crop Insurance Services. We have devoted our focus to the field of crop insurance and recently, by request, have included FSA program assistance.
We work with several of the major national carriers including Agrilogic Insurance Services and Rain & Hail Insurance Services. We are a proud member of the Trusted Choice, Insurance Brokers & Agents of the West (IBA West), Farm Bureau, and many other organizations.
Because of our unique and specialized expertise many prominent property & casualty agencies have partnered with us to handle their clients’ crop insurance needs.
This allows their clients to have access to these specialized programs, which adds to their list of resources they bring together to help meet their client’s needs. While our staff has steadily grown, our data processing center remains in Hanford, California.
We are committed to the clients we serve and make unique use of resources and technology to make our programs very user friendly, and an asset to the growers we serve.